20 Action-Oriented Words You Can Use on Your Resume Today!
Need to make an impact with your resume but not quite sure how? Or maybe you know your resume is missing something but you just aren’t sure what? Using strong, action-oriented words on your resume can change the perception people will have of your resume—and of you as a candidate. If you’re stumped by word choice, using passive terminology such as: duties included … and responsible for … then I’m talking to you!

Below you’ll find a list of 20 action-oriented words you can start using on your resume today!

1. Build or Builder
2. Maintain or Maintainer
3. Expand or Expander
4. Create or Creator
5. Market or Marketer
6. Generate or Generator
7. Pioneer
8. Advisor
9. Coach
10. Counsel
11. Guide
12. Mastermind
13. Motivate/Motivator
14. Navigate
15. Negotiate
16. Officiate
17. Operate
18. Oversee
19. Supervise
20. Pilot

Remember that word choice is important, but customizing your resume for each position is even more important.