Finding Your Dream Career
We all have a light inside of us, ready to shine on the world. The light is your dream for yourself. Sometimes the light is buried deep within us. As a child that light was strong and steady.

As we grew into adulthood we began to listen to the voices of the world, the people who said don’t do that, do this; you can’t be that your not smart enough, not (fill in the blank) enough. These voices were our families, teachers, friends, employers and people in your community. They sent the message to us to be someone else…and so we did.

We turned away from our dreams and lived someone else’s dream. We had grow-up responsibilities now and we believed we could never have that childhood dream. Or perhaps we don’t even remember what that dream was anymore as it is buried so deep within.

As a coach I can tell you that it is never too late. Your dream is still there, but lying dormant, waiting for your attention. How do you find that dream? Here is one way. Try taking a few minutes each day in a peaceful space where you can be alone with your thoughts. Close your eyes relax and focus on your breathing. Let the worries of the day or the “to do list” just float by. Be aware that those thought will come to you but don’t latch on to them.

As you relax ask yourself the question; what do I want to do with my life? Don’t judge or edit your thoughts, just let them flow freely. When you are ready open your eyes and jot dot on a piece of paper your thoughts. After several days of this exercise you may begin to see a pattern of thoughts and ideas of what you really want to do with your life.

Share your thoughts with a coach or a good friend who will really listen to you and not judge you. You might be surprised at what ideas you come up with.