How to Handle Multiple Job Offers as an Executive
It’s an executive’s dream come true! You’ve got multiple job offers on the table with some really great companies! There’s only one problem. Now you have to actually choose which job to take.

This can lead to a flurry of questions and self-doubt. Will I make the right decision? Should I just go for the highest salary? What if I make a mistake?

Use our guide below to help you handle multiple job offers and how to choose the job that’s best for you.

It’s not just about the money – but it is kind of important.

If choosing an offer were only about the money, then the decision would be a no-brainer. The reality is that there is much more to consider than just money, however it is an important factor. Furthermore, if you break down the offers separately you may see that money is a lot more than just about your salary.

One company may have a killer salary, but a horrible insurance policy (which is why they probably offer a killer salary). If insurance is important to you and your family, then this will influence your decision. Another example would be that perhaps a company has a higher match for the 401k at which point you’d be walking away from free money if you turned them down.

Other monetary considerations include relocation expenses, profit sharing and tuition reimbursement. Of course, it will be rare that any one company will have everything you are looking for so it’s important to note what matters most to you.

Does the job excite you?

There’s nothing worse than taking a job and then realizing a few months down the line that you’re utterly bored, or worse, that it is the wrong job for you. Chances are that if you’ve made it this far in your career then you like to be challenged, learn new things and be engaged in what it is you do for a living.

As such you should consider the job itself. Does it excite you? Is there an opportunity for personal and professional growth? Do you find yourself really engaged by the work and the company?

Personal values are important too.

Most people may not think about personal values when choosing a job, but the truth is that they matter just as much as everything else. For instance, if you consider yourself an environmentalist then working for an oil company may not be your best choice.

The example may be trite but it paints a clear picture, if you go against your values for a paycheck you’re not going to last very long. Or, if you do last a while you’re going to be miserable.

This is why it’s important to look into company culture. Another example would be if they expect their executives to work 80 hour weeks and thus take away time from their families. This may not seem like a big problem when you’re staring at a salary offering with a lot of zeros, but it will eventually affect other parts of your life you find equally as important.

As such it’s important not to get blinded by the numbers and take everything you find important into consideration.