New job — more than a dream
Looking for a job? I’m sure you already know — it’s important to recognize having dreams isn’t enough. However, you can’t succeed without them! Dr. Martin Luther King offered many inspiring messages. As we honor him, it seems fitting to remember his message of hope.

Dr. King delivered his “I Have A Dream” address in a time when most of his “dreams” really seemed to be just that. He and other leaders of the Civil Rights movement recognized that hard work and sacrifice was key to success. Thinking outside of the box, organizing peaceful marches…Civil disobedience. All of these at a great cost, but prepared and enacted with great hope.

Every job seeker can take something away from these optimistic messages. Maybe the message is as simple as a reminder that hope is important, even when it is hard to muster. Maybe the more important take-away is that nothing worthwhile comes without hard work and effort.

No matter the message, as the nation pauses to honor Dr. King, this is a good time for job seekers to stop and think about how to harness hope with hard work to move forward with an optimistic job hunt. Or, take another lesson from King and turn this day into a day of service and volunteer. It’s a great way to spend the holiday, with added benefits for job seekers.