The Key to a LinkedIn Summary for Job Seekers
When it comes creating an effective LinkedIn Profile, every detail counts. As I teach the job seekers in my Work Skills classes, You only get a few seconds to wow the potential employer. You only get a few seconds to make that first impression. This is your first introduction and the first glimpse of you for the employer, so make it count!

Your LinkedIn summary differs a slightly from the resume summary in that you can use a little more “snap appeal.” In other words, drip in some of your personality in your LinkedIn Profile summary. Your hard skills are of course important ant, but the employer is also looking for someone who will fit the business culture, fit into the team and in plain words- be someone that other, including would enjoy working with. That being said, be sure that you also use a professional wording style and keywords. Your choice of verbs and nouns will be very important, but be sure to infuse some personality to draw interest in you and your skills.

Remember, the power of a resume or LinkedIn Profile starts with presentation and the resume and/or LinkedIn Profile, or any other social media platforms will be were your presentation begins and could be where it ends for the employer skimming through your summaries, experiences and accomplishments.