Company Overview
BBB is an unbiased organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Businesses that earn BBB accredited business status contractually agree and adhere to the organization’s high standards of ethical business behavior. BBB provides objective advice, free business Reliability Reports and charity Wise Giving Reports, and educational information on topics affecting marketplace trust. To further promote trust, BBB also offers complaint and dispute resolution support for consumers and businesses when there is difference in viewpoints. The first BBB was founded in 1912. Today, 128 BBBs serve communities across the U.S. and Canada, evaluating and monitoring more than 3 million local and national businesses and charities.

Our Vision: An ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other.

Our Mission: BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. BBB accomplishes this mission by:
  • Creating a community of trustworthy businesses
  • Setting standards for marketplace trust
  • Encouraging and supporting best practices
  • Celebrating marketplace role models, and;
  • Denouncing substandard marketplace behavior BBB sees trust as a function of two primary factors – integrity and performance. Integrity includes respect, ethics and intent. Performance speaks to a business’s track record of delivering results in accordance with BBB standards and/or addressing customer concerns in a timely, satisfactory manner. BBB ensures that high standards for trust are set and maintained. We exist so consumers and businesses alike have an unbiased source to guide them on matters of trust. We provide educational information and expert advice that is free of charge and easily accessible.
Company Summary
Better Business Bureau of Metro Atlanta, Athens & NE Georgia
Number of Employees
(404) 419-8757
(404) 419-8764
503 Oak Pl
Atlanta, GA