Are You Making This Career Change Mistake?
Have you thought you would be someplace else by now other than in your current job?

You're not alone. I've worked with plenty of clients who felt the same way. I can even relate personally to you. I've been there.

Every single time I've encountered someone not doing what they wanted to be doing after constant trying--whether it is job related or not--it's because they haven't made the decision to do it.

Are you doing more hoping and wishing than deciding and doing?

You probably have set some career change goals such as:

  • "I'll look for a new job in September, after the summer is over."
  • "I'll work on my career change but I need to lose 10lbs first."
  • "I can't focus when I'm distracted. I'll get my resume to that headhunter after this load of laundry."
  • "I'll sign up for that meeting after this project ends at's a really busy time."
  • "I'll be out of here by the end of the year."
The thing is, if you haven't followed through on any of the promises you've made to yourself, you probably deep down never decided to do them in the first place.

A decision is that internal commitment you make to yourself...the shift you feel within you that says, "I'm going to make this happen no matter what!" A goal is a milestone you set, a target to aim at. They are both very important but setting goals without a decision is setting yourself up to fail.

Why do you avoid making a decision?

Fear and false perceptions are the main culprits.

You want to leave your current job but believe you'll never find good people to work with. Or maybe it's that you can't figure out what exactly you want, but believe you can't take action unless you have all of the answers. Others of you might be telling yourselves that you'll have to take a huge pay cut and you won't be able to survive.

You don't really know if any of these are true. You're just assuming they are and therefore not making that full blown commitment to your desires. *(oh, and by the way, they're not true.)

Instead of spinning your wheels with more goals with different dates, figure out what perceived obstacle is in your way of achievement.

Call to Action

Why haven't you really made the decision to change careers or jobs and move on to something better for you?

What decision are you ready to make now?

Be upfront with how you see things and then make a decision that you will make your career change goals happen no matter what. Don't they deserve a fighting chance?

© 2007 Segaric Coaching Inc.