Career Transition Advice for Singles Flying Solo: Career Change Q&A
I love to get feedback from real people who can share their knowledge with career seekers who may need it. Stories from people who have made a career transition provide inspiration and helpful tips you can use to become your own success story.

This month I am discussing single people in career change: the pros, the cons, and how to manage it all for a positive outcome. The question below was posed to several individuals who made the career leap flying solo and did it well.

What's the one thing that helps (or helped) keep you motivated during you career transition while "flying solo?"

"If you have a family you can’t take as much risks because of your responsibility to them. I made my biggest move in still my young career when they started a new project at our plant. In a time span of 2 years I moved up 2-3 positions and completed an incredibly fulfilling project. But it wouldn’t been possible if I wouldn’t have made so many hours, done so much at home and thought so much of improvements or reporting problems - and most importantly if I didn’t like it! Single people have more freedom to make these kinds of choices."

- Sven Ramaekers, Teamleader at TDS Logisistics -

It can be lonely to face mountains of work and there's no one around when you need an escape. What I used to do was seek wholesome companionship from my married friends. My "work breaks" would be trips to their home for family dinner, or fun outings with the kids. It's funny though... once everything starts to really take off with your new business, suddenly you meet the perfect partner for you. Life is kind of cool that way."

- Dina Giolitto, Copywriting Consultant -

"When I was thinking about making a move to a job with much more responsibility, I was hesitant just because I did not have that dinner table support team. I solved the dilemma by quitting the company altogether and pursuing a musical career instead! My support in this case was my career coach who noticed how my eyes lit up when talking about singing!"

- Henriette Hamer, Senior Portfolio Analyst at Eneco Energy Trade -

Some Last Words on Singles in Career Transition
Getting support for your career transition is always a great idea... and it's equally important when you’re single. Have fun with your transition - breaking out and making a radical change in your life can feel so liberating so enjoy it. Finally, remember to make your choices carefully. Step out of your comfort zone and take risks but manage them along the way. Be smart about your transition.

All the best for career seekers who are flying solo.

Copyright 2007 Hallie Crawford. All rights reserved.