Don't You Want a Mantra?
Mantra - a commonly repeated word or phrase.

You need a mantra, a daily affirmation, for your life. Think of your mantra as the one thing that when you repeat it to yourself, you know what it means and it pumps you up and makes you want to take action and do something.

My mantra is "Make It Great!" That means it's up to me to choose my attitude, my reactions, my goals, my hopes, my dreams.


So how can you come up with a snappy phrase for your life? Here's a few steps for you.
  1. Take a full sheet of paper, and write down all of the words that describe you in five minutes. Words like motivated, positive, fun loving, helpful, dedicated to learning. You get the idea.

  2. Next, flip over the sheet and write down all of the action words that you want to be known for in the next five minutes. Make is my action word, others include love, innovate, inspire, learn.

  3. Now, look for common threads in the two lists. What do you see? Look for trends. If you don't see any, ask a friend to help you. You should come up with 3-10 words that make some sense to you. Pick the 3-5 that mean the most to you, and put them together into a mantra.

  4. Now write down your mantra, put it in your wallet, put it near your bed, and think about it whenever you can. Refine it, make sure it fits you, and share it with people who know you. Ask them what they think about your mantra.

  5. Once you're comfortable with the amount of people who have taken a shot at your mantra, it's yours. Now it's up to you to live your life according to your mantra. You can do it!
Make it a great day!