Get a New Job Faster! Manage Your Job Search
How to Achieve Your Goals for Your Job Hunt

Taking on any tough project can be a daunting task, without the proper help. Before long, we are overwhelmed and dropping pieces of our important project here and there. Our follow-up gets lost. Entire areas that should be in focus get moved to a back-burner, and then forgotten. Soon, we have fallen into a rut of doing the same limited activities, over and over again, with less and less of the results for which we are looking.

Don’t beat yourself up too much, but do take control and action, so that your dreams do not fall by the weigh-side. These are certainly not the times where you should just ‘leave it to chance’. Understand your goals. Get a good system in place for managing your Job Search goals and activities, and then follow up on every single detail.

There’s a lot to think about and this is where we usually start to be overwhelmed. Resumes to send out. Calls to potential managers to make (yes, call the hiring manager!). Your personal network to build and ‘work’ for opportunities. Interviews to plan for - what will your interview strategy be? Or will you just go in and interview, and hope that they will choose you?

All of these activities, and more, need a strategy in order to be effective. They need to be tracked and followed up on. And I didn’t even talk about managing your search activities for discovering open jobs yet - ones that you might choose to go after.

Without a detailed plan, and set goals for that plan, it’s not very likely that you will achieve your goals. Get out of the ditch and back on the road toward success!

Copyright © 2009 by John Crant