It Takes More Than an Education to Put Young Adults on the Right Career Path
It’s a tricky period, the time frame between college graduation and making it in the ‘real world.’ Young adults aren’t quite sure what exactly to do for their career, much less their life.

Well, guess what?! They are just like the rest of the working public. It is estimated that most adults change careers, not just jobs, at least five times in their working life. Knowing that, it is a shame that so many young adults go through the pitfalls and tribulations of start-and-stop employment. But they don’t have to.

Throwing Tradition Aside

While college has likely armed your son or daughter with some specific skills and training, it may not have properly educated them on how to zoom in on a career that they both love and that pays the bills. Now may be the time to throw tradition aside and encourage your young adult to create his or her own path!

Helping Prepare Young Adults for Life, Not Just a Career

Now that they are back under your wing, it is up to you to find out how to prepare them for life. Here are a few pointers to help prepare your young adult in finding their right career path.

• Begin right off the bat by helping your son or daughter figure out what it is they truly want to spend their valuable time doing – and then help them find a career that falls in line!

• Have your child spend some time investigating and uncovering areas that are important in their life and to their career.

• Also have them explore what they want to be when they grow up. Brainstorm about their oldest, as well as most recent dreams; now is the time to act on those!

• Empower your adult child to make choices and decisions for themselves that they feel good about and work with them to develop a plan of action to find a career that suits their traits, personality, interests and talents.

Don’t let your adult child settle for less than a career they truly enjoy! With supportive guidance, you can help your adult child create their own rewarding path today for a fulfilling tomorrow.

Copyright 2008 Hallie Crawford. All rights reserved.

NOTE: Feel free to "reprint" this article as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "about the author" info at the end).