Layoffs Inflict Collateral Damage On Friends and Family
The news media rarely skip a day in reporting the grim economic news and calculating the number of jobs lost in the United States since the recession started in December, 2007.

But those reports do not take into full account the collateral damage caused among family, friends and co-workers of those who have lost their jobs.

Survivors of the axe have to deal with a variety of emotions: mourning over those who have been fired; worry about the increased work load to pick up the slack; anger and resentment at those who made the decision to fire people; and outright fear that they may be the next on the chopping block.

It is very difficult dealing with these deep feelings. But deal with them survivors must if they want to achieve career success.

Helpful Career Advice For Coping

Career coaches provide helpful advice on coping with the situation.

It is therapeutic to recognize nobody is happy with layoffs. The boss is dealing with some of the same issues that you and your colleagues are.

Unless the boss is an outright sociopath he is not going to be happy firing people.

It is all right to discuss the situation with your associates. In fact, it can be helpful as long as the discussion remains constructive. But do not--repeat, do not--let the discussions drift into finger pointing and criticism. Such griping is counter productive and is likely to get back to the boss. You don't want to be tagged as a malcontent in these shaky times.

Share your worries and fears with family and friends. Keeping these emotions bottled up inside you is destructive. Besides, it is not fair to those who are affected by your fortunes if you suffer in silence.

Burnish your reputation for working hard. Document your accomplishments and make sure your employer is aware of your good work.

Take On Extra Duties

It's not a good idea to say "no" if you are asked to take on extra duties to fill the void left by firings. Don't complain if you are asked to come in early and stay late. In fact, it's a good idea to volunteer to for special assignments.

Chances are everyone's workload is being increased. If you are assigned more work than you can handle, ask for a review with your boss; not to complain, but to see if you can prioritize your duties. Find out if it is possible to drop or reassign some of your tasks that may not be of great urgency. Suggest ways to improve your performance and that of your department, particularly if those changes reduce costs.

Learn New Career Skills

Learn new skills that will increase your value to your employer and enhance your chances of landing another job if you are let go.

Naturally, you want to know if more lay offs are coming. But even the boss may not know, or if he does, he probably will not be allowed to spread the news.

Still you can be alert to the information that is available about what's happening with your own job, your department and your industry.

Be prepared to move on if you get the dreaded pink slip. Keep your resume up to date. Renew your network of contacts and references.

Accept the fact that beyond a certain point the future of your job will be powerfully impacted by forces beyond your control. Try not to obsess about it. Hang tough. These trying times will pass, and a new world of opportunity will emerge.