Resume Profiling: A Better Objective
Q. Some people say I should have an objective at the top of my resume. Others have said "no." What do you think?

Assuming you already are working and not looking at your first entry-level position, I suggest that you DO NOT use an objective. Look at it this way: Why else would you be applying for the position if it wasn't your "objective" to get it?

Instead, I suggest using a "summary of qualifications," or a profile or overview. It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as it contains an overview of the experience you bring to the table. Make it a quick snapshot of your strengths, expertise and skills - your "10 second pitch," but in writing instead of verbal. Trust me, I talk to enough hiring managers to know that if you don¹t engage them early on in your resume, they most likely won¹t read further.

Take the time to tailor your summary to the job description so that managers see how your skills translate to the position they are looking to fill. Don't assume they will do that. You have to do the work for them!

The Skills Profile

Here are two examples of what I mean:

"Senior level assn executive with demonstrated experience in staff management, membership and strategic planning. Strengths include financial management, working with diverse populations and communications. Expertise in: (list, in 2 columns, 6-8 bullets of skills here)."

Or maybe:

"Membership professional with experience in customer service, database management and staff leadership. Detail-oriented, effective verbal and written communication skills and committed to moving an organization forward. Strengths include: (again, list 6-8 bullets)."

Now, doesn't this engage you, especially if those are the skills for which Mr. or Ms. HR Manager is looking? Have a list of skills stored on your computer to, based on the job description, cut and paste as needed. You might even want to use some of the buzz words from the job description in the summary. Very easy to do.

Remember, this is a summary of your skills and strengths, not a place to go into a lot of detail about your experience. Don't make it a job description. Make it more of a "this is an overview of what I bring to the table, and how I can help you solve your problem."

All the best to you in putting your profile together.