Social Savvy for the Business Professional: The Art of Business Entertaining
With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s important to show your strong personal brand in how you behave during this fall’s upcoming social events. Knowledge is power!

Let’s face it. Today’s executive must function with complete confidence from the board room to the dining room, from the sales call to the business lunch, from the cocktail party to the fine dining experience. Social savvy can make or break a deal and quickly diminish a personal brand.

Over 50% of business is done over a meal. Some of you may have grown up in an atmosphere of social savvy. You learned it at home. For the majority of you—class is EARNED AND LEARNED—without the opportunity of going to charm school. When entertaining clients, your actions are observed and judgments are made.

The hard truth? Your manners and common courtesies tell others how confident you are in business. Learning the RULES of acceptable social behavior and the SKILLS of turning small talk to big talk assure you of making the most favorable impression.

Because THE ART OF BUSINESS ENTERTAINING is often a part of building business relationships, it is vitally important in these fast track times to make your entertaining dollars profitable. People buy you first, then trust you to deliver a high quality product or service.