Surviving an Unhealthy Work Environment
Dealing with a negative work environment can be draining if not debilitating. Working for a toxic boss, being surrounded by negative coworkers, expected to do more than humanly possible day in and day out, or just feeling like you don't belong at your workplace is enough to make anyone sick. The National Institute for Occupational Safety reports that job stressors cause more health problems than any other stressor.

You're trying to change careers but wondering how you will survive at your job until you do.

What can you do?

  1. Stop fighting reality. How much energy are you wasting wishing things were different in your office? The reality is your work environment and the people you work with are not going to change - at least not while you are there. The truth is, your resentment and anger about the situation is exacerbating the problem. Any thought you put into wishing for change is just wasted energy. Stop fighting what is wrong and redirect that attention into whatever is right in your life.

  2. Reestablish Boundaries. Chances are some of your angst is caused by the relationships you have at work. Have you been overly personal or let others walk all over you? Stop this! It may be awkward or uncomfortable, but it's important to redefine work relationships so that they stay professional while at the office. You may need to have multiple conversations to re-train people what they may or may not say or do to you.

  3. Take Care of Yourself. You don't have an endless supply of energy. If your work environment is draining you, it's crucial that you rejuvenate and recharge each day. What do you enjoy doing to relax? What do you need right now? Most common answer: SLEEP. Are you getting enough? Also, how do you bring joy into your life? Even ten minutes of a pleasurable activity will fuel you and help you manage your job situation.
Remember, you ARE leaving this job! You won't be there forever. See it for what it is and take care of YOU.

© 2007 Segaric Coaching Inc.