Think Twice Before Relocating For Job
You've been sitting on the edge of your chair, waiting for that offer for the job you badly want. Bingo! The offer comes through. But there's just one hang-up: you'd have to move to a new location half way across the country.

You should back off and carefully analyze your needs as compared to the cost of the opportunity. That's right, "cost", because there's a price tag on every opportunity along the career path.

Consider these career tips:

Compare the cost of living between where you currently reside and the new location. What appears to be a raise may not be a raise after all. For example, the cost of a house or rent in Warren, Arkansas, a town of 6,000 or so, is far different from, say, Chicago. There are more differences to consider: taxes, food, transportation, etc.

On the other hand, for example, you might gain from a move Chicago to Warren.

2. Would your new employer pay your moving expenses? What about guaranteeing you against loss if you sell your house? What about the cost of temporary housing while you look for a new place?

3. If your spouse has a job in your present location, would your new employer help him/her find employment?

4. How would the move impact your family? Leaving relatives behind is a tough business. The same is true for life-long friends. Would the new job require travel or a work schedule that impinges on your family time?

Beyond these considerations, you need to have a solid degree of comfort as to the new work-place environment. If possible, meet the new boss and co-workers.

Make a family visit to the new location. If you are a parent take your children to visit the new school.

If you decide to make the move, be prepared for some rough sledging for three of four months. You'll likely be homesick. Getting reasonable comfortable in new surroundings, new people, and new conditions at work takes some time for acclimation.

Margie Newman, at writes: "Know this: you are going to dislike your job, be homesick and wonder what the heck you've gotten into for the first three months. Be prepared to think you've made a mistake--relocating is scary stuff--but trust your gut and know this is a smart move."

Make no mistake. Pulling up stakes and moving to a new job across the country or across town, for that matter, is no walk in the park. Nevertheless, done properly it can be a very smart and productive step forward in your career path.

I wish you career success!