Tips for After Your Job Interview
I was recently privileged to give a presentation at Agnes Scott. I was approached at the end of the event by a woman named Kelly who had just been on a job interview a few days prior. She came up to me and said gI havenft heard from them yet, is that a bad sign?!h I told her she needed to relax, worrying doesnft help, and it sounded like she was making an assumption. It had only been a few days since shefd had the job interview.

I totally get it, not hearing back from a prospective employer is nerve-wracking! You need to remember that hiring a new person does takes time, and the time is going by much slower for you than it is for them. The hiring manager is busy. They have a job to do, plus the job of hiring a new person.

Here are some tips that can help you get through the waiting period:

The more relaxed and confident you are in your job search, the better impression you will make. Just relax and take a deep breath. Try to gchill downh as my son Vaughn says to me when Ifm telling him not to do something. Thatfs apparently his new phrase to get me to relax

Instead of worrying, think of a better way to use that mental energy. Is it time to follow up with them? Do you need to check in and offer to provide additional information? Or is it just too soon, and they told you it would take a few days so you need to give them some space?

Come up with a plan of action-next steps that you can take to move things along in the right way. Instead of wasting time and energy worrying about it or making assumptions, chill down and take a deep breath.