Tuesdays Are Terrific! The Best Day And Time To Contact HR
Many job seekers focus solely on the “how” of contacting potential employers, but the “when” can be crucial to getting noticed as well. Contacting them when they are more likely to be alert and responsive (and not tired, hungry, or stressed) is all about timing.

That includes planning the optimal time and day to contact HR (to either initiate contact, follow up after sending a resume, or follow up post-interview). According to multiple surveys, Tuesday is your best bet as it is consistently the most productive day of the week. That would mean hiring managers and recruiters are more likely to pick up the phone and talk with you or open your email to read your resume on a Tuesday, when they are feeling most productive.

After Tuesday, the productivity scale goes to Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then Friday. Mondays are typically spent trying to get back into the “groove” at work, and then after Tuesday, productivity sees a steady decline until the end of the week.

If you are thinking of a good time of day to make that call or drop in, plan to try between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. This gives HR folks a chance to settle in for the day and get focused. If you make afternoon contact, remember the earlier the better. As great as you are for the job, no hiring manager wants a solicitation after 3 p.m. when they are tired and want to wrap up the day.

If you're looking for the best day and time to email your resume to an employer, shoot for Monday evening after business hours. That way, your email is there when they arrive on Tuesday morning and they can see it before the rush of the day.

If you were planning to contact employers later this week, don’t wait! Job searching is largely about strategy and timing your contact with potential employers is a big part of that.