EQ (Emotional Intelligence) – A Map for Personal and Professional Success
The amount of information and technology available to the average worker today is more than a worker experienced in a lifetime in 1900, and that information and technology will double in less than two years! The speed of life has definitely increased as has the stress we are under every day. A steadily growing body of research in the field of “what makes one successful” says that EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is the key both personally and professionally to a satisfying and successful life.

TalentSmart.com, leading EQ researchers, tell us we have 27 emotional reactions every day, 150,000 in a year. 60% of job performance is Emotional Intelligence, in all jobs. 15% of success is technical knowledge, 85% is people skills (EQ). This makes EQ an invaluable business asset, whether you are worker, boss or owner.

What’s Your EQ?

Rate yourself on the following statements, as honestly as possible on a 1 to 10 scale (1 = rarely true, 10 = almost always true)

_____ I am comfortable with other’s emotional expression.
_____ I am comfortable telling others about my emotions and reactions.
_____ I am good at gaining cooperation from others.
_____ I express anger in safe and healthy ways.
_____ I use both my emotions and my logical, rational mind when making decisions.
_____ I am intrinsically motivated.
_____ I can read others’ emotional states and am usually correct in assessing their feelings.
_____ I am self-motivated and excited about my life.
_____ I am aware of my emotions and express them appropriately.
_____ I handle conflict well and can assist others in resolution of conflict.


10 – 30 = You need an EQ map and a course on how to read it!
30 – 50 = You are walking down the middle of the EQ road, not sure which direction to take.
50 – 80 = You are on the road to a high EQ and could use a little more direction
80 – 90 = You know where you are going and have good relationships with your fellow travelers
90 – 100 = Are you sure you were honest? If you were, have you consider writing a book?

If you are in need of direction, an EQ map, don’t worry. Fortunately, EQ is a learned intelligence (unlike IQ). There are plenty of sources. Read a book – two of my favorites are The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book (comes with a free code for an online assessment) from TalentSmart.com, and The Other 90% by Robert Cooper. Or, take a class on Emotional Intelligence, offered locally every three months by the Center for Creative Learning, or bring someone into your company to do an EQ training.

Free quizzes can also be found at the Web links listed below (although these are not research-based assessments):


Building your EQ will make every area of your life easier, so get on the road!