Prevent Resume Peril – Prove Your Value
Resumes are black holes for time, opportunity and peace of mind. Defective resumes can even drive job searches into the ground. I’ve seen it thousands of times; job seekers (and even professional resume writers) neglecting what employers expect resumes to provide: Proof.

Numbers gauge performance and leave little room for misinterpretation; they prove rather than purport your value. In contrast, talking about your talents panders readers and stimulates speculation; the only merit here comes from the words. Expecting words to prove your value on a resume can be costly, but incorporating numbers can prevent the resume from inflicting those costs upon you.

Quantify tasks to give positions context. A listed position title is typically enough for hiring authorities to deduce the duties. For example, an advertising agency’s HR staff already knows what a “Sales Agent,” “Graphics Designer,” “Marketing Manager,” and other industry-related titles do. If they don’t, you’ll probably better off not working somewhere else. Trusting readers to have at least some grasp on reality gives you the opportunity to put your work history into perspective; to establish the extent of your tasks and convince employers that you blew expectations out of the water. Specifying the number of people you managed, projects you completed, strategies you created, and other essentials will save resume real estate that your competitors waste trying to explain the obvious.

Quantify results to prove talent. How many employers are impressed by a resume that alleges its own author has “Excellent” or “Superior” this or that skill? None. Worse yet, how many resumes make those claims? Nearly every. So, rather letting your resume ramble about how super duper your skills might be, distinguish them by featuring and substantiating your achievements. That means providing data that prove your ability to perform; to apply and maximize the skills that other applicants merely assert. Employers care about time and money so a resume that quantifies how much of each you can generate will strengthen your prospects for the “To Be Interviewed” list. Sure, the numbers might be tricky to remember, but talking about them with a third party will help determine reasonable estimates.

Words remain critical to resumes and make very positive impressions when used correctly. Doing so requires solid grammar, accurate spelling, appropriate tenses and strategic placement. Yet it’s best in your interest to remember that numbers deliver what employers expect: Proof.

There’s no better way to put it: A job search sucks. But taking the above steps can shorten the process. They ensure that your resume proves, rather than babbles about your value. They generate interviews for my clients and will help do the same for you.